Sign Up for the #NotAnotherNigerian Idea Hackathon, N500,000 Seed Grant Up for Grabs

Are you a young Nigerian Software Developer, Designer or Social Media Influencer with an innovative idea to counter violent extremism in the North East of Nigeria? Then you should apply for the #NotAnotherNigerian Idea Hackathon.

Organised by the North-East Regional Initiative (NERI) in partnership with Co-Creation Hub, the NotAnotherNigerian idea hackathon is a 3-day event aimed at bringing together young Nigerians to discuss the current challenges experienced in the North East of Nigeria, create awareness and proffer innovative solutions to counter the violent extremism currently battling the North Eastern States.

The hackathon would be taking place in three states across Nigeria; Abuja (29th June – 1st July), Lagos (6th July – 8th July), and Port Harcourt (13th July – 15th July). Each of the events would be preceded by a roundtable discussion where key stakeholders will set the idea for the hackathon. Participants would be divided into teams to bring up innovative solutions to address the problem after which on the final days of the events, solutions would be pitched before a panel of judges for a chance to receive seed grants to pilot their solutions. The best ideas would be selected based on the impact and probability of their implementation.

About 6-9 best ideas would be selected by the judges (2-3 from each location), and each of the teams would be provided with seed grants (of up to N500,000) to foster the fine-tuning and carrying-out of the solutions with support to be provided by CcHub all through the build and launch stages between the 1st July – 5th August 2018.

Applications are currently open and the deadline for submission of ideas is the 27th June, 4th July, and 11th July for Lagos (closed), Abuja and Port Harcourt respectively. Interested participants can click here to get started.

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