Netizens have reacted to the latest video of Tigran Gambaryan in the court of justice on Monday. The executive of Binance, who has been in detention in Nigeria for the past six months was seen struggling to walk in crutches and screaming “this is fucked up” “I’m an innocent person” while in visible distress.
The CEO of Binance, Richard Teng reacted to the video on Tuesday. According to a post quoting the video, the Binance chief condemned how the Nigerian authorities have treated his employees. Saying:
“This inhumane treatment of Tigran must end. He must be allowed to go home for medical treatment and to be with his family.”
Last week, in a statement, Richard Teng said baseless allegations shouldn’t be used to continue to detain Tigran Gambaryan, who has now spent half a year in incarceration. He also called on the American government and political apparatus to exert political will and muscle to take Tigran home soon so that he could get adequate treatment and be reunited with his family and loved ones.
Read also: Binance executive, Tigran Gambaryan shed tears in court as EFCC opposes bail application
Reactions to the Tigran Gambaryan video
Many notable players in the space also shared their thoughts in reaction to the video on X (Twitter). While many think the Binance executive is being treated unfairly, some view the situation quite differently.
One of the most notable voices in the Nigerian crypto space is Chris Ani. He condemned the treatment in a tweet. Saying:
“God this is so wrong. This is so wrong. What kind of tyrants do we have in power? This guy is innocent. Why is he being punished for a crime he did not commit?”
Rinu Oduala, an online activist, thinks the situation is “actually fvcked up.” In a twitter post, she said: “He’s not even a decision-maker. He was invited by the government, and then they detained and proceeded to put him through a harrowing inhumane experience. It’s madness.”
Another X user, named Mukhtasar Malcolm Alkali however sees it from a different perspective. According to him, Tigran Gambaryan was faking the reaction in the video.
“He’s not crying anything. Somebody told him to act like this in court so they can trend it. We know these things.” He said.
Another X user tweeting from Australia also said that the treatment is cruel and despicable. S/he asked: “What is wrong with him being given a wheelchair? Has he been convicted and sentenced to torture by being forced to walk without assistance when he has a spinal injury?”
Also, the particular user observed from the comments that some Nigerians do not believe in a normal court process and the concept of being innocent until proven guilty. In her words:
“They say he deserves anything that he gets because 1) Nigerian citizens also are being tortured so why should he be treated humanely? 2) He tried to escape prolonged detention, so whatever is done to him while he is on trial is justified. The same type of people would also readily justify ‘disappearances’ while in detention also.”
Another X (Twitter) warned that this faceoff could lead to other countries paying Nigerians in their coin.
He said Nigerians “should be careful before they mete out this same treatment we’re giving Binance executives to our own Flutterwave or Paystack executives in other countries.”
The Tigran Gambaryan dilemma
Tigran Gambaryan, an executive of the world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance has been detained by the Nigerian authorities for six months. Calls for his release and truce have intensified in the last week as there are growing concerns about Tigran Gambaryan’s deteriorating health and well-being.
Related post: SEC grants approval in principle to Quidax, Busha and 5 other Nigerian crypto exchanges
Last week, the CEO of Binance, Richard Teng, released a statement where he demanded the release of Tigran and also disclosed that Nigeria has never been a major market for his crypto exchange.
On Monday, court hearings resumed in Tigran Gambaryan’s trial as his lawyers filed a new bail application for him on medical grounds and based on the fact that they have been prevented from seeing him prepare adequately for his trial.
Also, his lawyers were concerned about his health conditions including a herniated disc in his back as well as suffering bouts of Pneumonia, Malaria and Tonsillitis. The EFCC prosecutor, however, opposed the application because Tigran is not in ill health.
According to the report seen by Technext, Tigran was denied the use of a wheelchair to enter the court and had to try to make his way in on crutches. He reportedly broke into tears while the court proceedings were on. Tigran made a plea to the judge saying that he is not receiving proper medical care at the prison and that he is being denied basic rights including access to his legal counsel and embassy representatives.
The judge ordered that he be allowed to use a wheelchair. However, the EFCC prosecutor opposed the application, claiming that Tigran was not in ill health.
Ultimately, the sitting judge adjourned the bail application hearing until today.